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Liberate your life, strip off the fear, wash away the self-doubt, and dress yourself in health, wealth, and love! Remember when you used to be that girl who just moved through the motions--attended the parties, hung on to the toxic friendships, went to the mundane job (just for the paycheck), ate anything out of a box, and participated in the daily grind--but inside, you were screaming and desperate to break free from what had become a vicious cycle? The girl who tried so hard to be outwardly beautiful, but didn't stop to consider what was going on internally? If so, Melissa Ambrosini recognizes you, because she used to be you. But today she lives every day from her heart. Today she chooses love over fear. In this book, Melissa teaches you that confidence isn't just feeling good about yourself--it's the "on" switch to your dream life. With her book, Melissa aims to teach every girl out there how to master the mean girl within them who tells them they aren't worth it. Meet Melissa Ambrosini--the greatest straight-talking, ass-kicking, pump-you-up bestie you never had., Ready to activate your dream life? You know that sneaky voice inside your head telling you that you're not good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, whatever enough? That's your Mean Girl. And she's doing her best to keep you stuck in Fear Town, too scared to go after the life you always imagined. But enough's enough! Melissa Ambrosini has made a life beyond her wildest dreams, all by mastering her Mean Girl, busting through limiting beliefs and karate-chopping through the fears that held her hostage for years. And now she wants to help you remember not only what you are capable of, but how amazing you truly are! In this inspiring, upbeat guide, Melissa provides a practical plan for creating your own version of a kick-ass life -- one that's wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. Designed to propel you out of stuck-ness and into action, this is a must read if you're ready to let go of your Mean Girl and start living the life of your dreams., Ready to live your dream life? You know that sneaky voice inside your head telling you that you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, whatever enough? That's your Mean Girl. And she's doing her best to keep you stuck in Fear Town, too scared to go after the life you always imagined. But enough's enough! Melissa Ambrosini has made a life beyond her wildest dreams, all by mastering her Mean Girl, busting through limiting beliefs and karate-chopping through the fears that held her hostage for years. And now she wants to help you remember not only what you are capable of, but how amazing you truly are! In this inspiring, upbeat guide, Melissa provides a practical plan for creating your own version of a kick-ass life -- one that's wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. Designed to propel you out of stuck-ness and into action, this is a must read if you're ready to let go of your Mean Girl and start living the life of your dreams.

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